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Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021: Here’s What the Experts Have to Say
Like every year, CISA and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) are hosting the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021 in the U.S. to raise...
Google Unveils Cybersecurity Action Team to Boost Cybersecurity
Search engine giant Google announced the formation of a Cybersecurity Action Team to support the security and digital transformation of governments, critical infrastructure, private...
“Incident Response professionals are working in a high-paced and stressful environment”
At the beginning of 2021, when the cybersecurity community was reeling from the aftereffects of the SolarWinds supply chain attack, a new ransomware strain...
Overcoming the Challenges of Executing a Remote Security Policy
Gartner estimates that around 30% of workers in India will be remote in 2022. While the penetration might be low compared to the U.S.,...
3 Ways the Federal Government Is Using Technology to Advance Cybersecurity
When it comes to cybersecurity, the federal government is putting out fires every day — and it can be exhausting. Like most organizations, the...
The Increase in Scope of Cybersecurity from Software to Hardware Protection
When we think of cybersecurity our mind automatically goes to powerful software protecting “soft” assets i.e. data that could range from massive enterprise-grade datastores to tiny...
Ransomware Vulnerabilities That Could Bring Down Your Organization
Today, 266 vulnerabilities are associated with ransomware, and attackers are increasingly exploiting these weaknesses to launch devastating ransomware attacks. Therefore, identifying and remediating these...
Ransomware – What is new?
Executives are worried. They see organizations crippled by ransomware, often for days or weeks, and rumors of multimillion-dollar fines being paid.
By Ian Mann, CEO...
Biden Administration and Tech Giants Come Together to Raise Bar on Cybersecurity
Mitigating the rising cyberthreat landscape has become a national priority for the Biden Administration. Several government agencies and private tech companies such as Google,...
“I expect security options to evolve over time with the rollout of 5G”
The potential threat posed by cyberterrorism has crippled both government and security experts. Whether it is cable news, newspapers, websites or social media, “cyberthreat”...