Tag: ransomware
Ransomware: To Pay or Not to Pay?
In 2021, ransomware remains the most prominent malware threat with an attack occurring every 11 seconds. Total ransomware costs are projected to exceed $20...
The risk of intrusion will increase as companies add more suppliers...
Tattleware will degrade employee experience by 5% and increase insider threats. With Anywhere Work here to stay, employers have added platforms that add insights...
Researchers Found New Ransomware DeadBolt Targeting NAS Servers
Security experts from QNAP Systems uncovered a new ransomware variant actively targeting all Internet-connected Network-attached storage (NAS) devices. Tracked as DeadBolt, the ransomware reportedly...
Act Sooner to Prepare for the Increasing and Emerging Security Challenges
Ransomware attacks are growing in sophistication, with threat actors employing new technologies and affiliate models. Last year saw new models like Ransomware as a...
Avoid Negotiating with Extortioners and Implement Solutions for Recovery and Resilience
Once impacted by ransomware and other attacks, organizations spend a lot of time and money trying to recover systems. Many negotiate with attackers and...
Countries Now See Cyberspace as a Legitimate Realm to Create Strategic...
More countries are now leveraging the cyberspace in warfare and you can see that with the most current news (the Russia-Ukraine conflict). This year...
Cybersecurity Will Become the Top Agenda in Boardroom Discussions
Among my three cybersecurity predictions for 2022, the one that I am optimistic about is cybersecurity getting more mindshare in the boardroom. Expect to...
Ransomware! Ransomware! Ransomware! The Problem of Blind Reductionism
Ransomware in a triad is the title of a recent cybersecurity article that caught my attention. The same repetitiveness can be found in aviation...
Experts to Convene at Ransomware Resilience Summit Series
Ransomware attacks have surged 311% in the past year with a business now being attacked every 11 seconds. From crippling the Irish healthcare system...
Blockchain Technologies Will Be Integrated with Information Security and Cybersecurity Products
Making predictions in cybersecurity or any discipline or field can be quite challenging. First, it is virtually impossible to predict the future – consider...