A study of 60 countries reveals that Japan is in the top five most cyber-secure country. However, increasing mobile and computer ransomware attacks targeted at Japan has seen the country dropping in this ranking. But Japan has taken a number of steps to prepare for cyberattacks and cryptominer attacks.
The study was conducted by tech firm Comparitech and considered seven criteria:
- The percentage of mobile devices infected with malware
- The percentage of computers infected with malware
- The number of financial malware attacks
- The percentage of all telnet attacks by originating country
- The percentage of users attacked by cryptominers
- The best-prepared countries for cyberattacks
- The countries with the most up-to-date cybersecurity legislation
Specific to Japan’s cybsersecurity readiness, the study reveals that it is the fifth most cyber-secure country. However, its ranking for this parameter dropped four places since the previous year’s study. Denmark tops the list as the most cyber-secure country.
The study attributes a weaker score for Japan due to the increase in mobile ransomware (from 1.34% to 1.97%), an increase in computer ransomware (from 8.3% to 9.17%), and telnet attacks from the country (while these reduced from 1.23% to 1.06%, this was still a higher figure than quite a few other countries). However, Japan’s score for preparation for cyberattacks and cryptominer attacks has improved. Japan has the lowest percentage of attacks by cryptominers – 0.17% of users. It is the fourth country on the list with the lowest malware infection rates in computers — 22.24%.
Japan’s cybersecurity readiness
Japan is gearing up for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer, however, the website for Olympics and Paralympic Games might be vulnerable to cyberthreats, such as ransomware, fake entry passes, and leaks of personal information. Owing to the high volume of tourists and possible threat analysis conducted by the governing authorities, Japan’s Communication Ministry has tabled a set of an emergency proposal that includes guidelines to mitigate risks and incidence response for cyberattacks.
The Communication Ministry panel identified certain devices and technologies including IoT (Internet of Things) devices that are vulnerable to cyberattacks. The emergency package says that, “it is desirable to consider publishing information on cyberattacks swiftly at the point in which leaks of personal information are suspected,” calling for information-sharing with relevant organizations.