Father of the Internet, Vinton Cerf Calls for Balanced Regulation of...
Delivering the keynote in the Future Stream at CYBERSEC Global Forum 2020 last week, Vinton Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google, said...
CYBERSEC Global 2020: Together Against Adversarial Internet
All those extra cups of coffee, long hours at the desk with our headphones on, and staying glued to our screens for the past...
U.K. Conferred With 2020 European CYBERSEC Award
Cyberattacks across several verticals in Europe have seen a sharp surge in recent times. A report released by Hiscox highlighted that 61% of the...
CYBERSEC: Data is Worth More Than You Think!
If you thought that the first day of the CYBERSEC Global 2020 was exhilarating, then the second day of the virtual conference was no...
CYBERSEC: Make Cybersecurity a Global Effort
The Kosciuszko Institute successfully launched CYBERSEC Global 2020 on September 28. For the 6th time, the conference becomes a platform to discuss various paths...
CYBERSEC: Europe’s Most Anticipated Cybersecurity Conference is Here
September end will witness one of the most important cybersecurity events in the EU. The 6th edition of the CYBERSEC Global Cybersecurity Forum 2020...