Network security provider Blue Hexagon, which has recently emerged from stealth mode, raised $31 million investment in a funding round led by Benchmark and Altimeter. Founded by security veterans Nayeem Islam and Saumitra Das, Blue Hexagon claims that it launched the first real-time and deep learning platform for network threat protection.
The company helps enterprises prevent cyber threats with its deep learning cybersecurity platform for network security. Blue Hexagon offers a security platform which is designed as a modern Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It claims that its security solutions detects known and unknown network threats, including zero-day malware variants, automatically delivering a verdict, and blocking threats in sub-seconds.
“With four new, unique malware samples released every second, traditional security methods can’t keep pace with the speed and scale of hacker innovation,” said Nayeem Islam, CEO of Blue Hexagon. “A new approach is needed, and recent advancements in deep learning make it the ideal technology to address the velocity and volume of attacks. Blue Hexagon is applying our expertise in deep learning to detect network threats at all times, in sub-seconds, and at wire speed.”
“The state of the art for network security until now has been sandboxes and signatures. There hasn’t been a new approach to tackle the hundreds of thousands of malware variants that are created every day. Blue Hexagon changes the paradigm; their technology is a big leap forward in the arms race against the bad guys,” said Eric Vishria, General Partner at Benchmark.