The recent encounters with Spectre and Meltdown techniques, owing to faults in its microprocessors has shaken the world’s largest chipmaker, Intel. With little options but to introduce safety measures to preserve its brand reputation, a new internal security group was enacted on Monday, January 8, 2018, as the ‘Intel Product Assurance and Security’.
Although there has been no confirmation by Intel on this report, it is heard on the grapevine that Leslie Culbertson, Human Resources chief at Intel, will be presiding over this newly formed group. There is also news of relocation of other leading executives into this cybersecurity group, including Intel Vice President Steve Smith.
According to a report by Oregonian, ahead of his keynote address on Monday, at the Consumer Electronics Show in LA, Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel sent out a memo to its employees stressing the need to maintain the customer-first attitude while responding diligently to customer requests. “It is critical that we continue to work with the industry, to excel at customer satisfaction, to act with uncompromising integrity, and to achieve the highest standards of excellences.” He said.
Krzanich revealed “Tangle Lake” a 49-qubit superconducting quantum chip at the Consumer Electronics Show. As the chipmaker is setting new benchmarks, it is quite likely that they need to adopt and display effective measures, for the recently discovered imperfections in its products.