About 75 percent of Dutch people are unconcerned about cybersecurity at their workplace, a National Cybersecurity Awareness Study revealed. However, almost half of Dutch are concerned when it comes to ensuring cybersecurity at home, compared to 29 percent in 2016.
The study that was published in Alert Online also revealed that most of the employees were unaware of their company’s security procedures and half of the employees asserted that they have no information about online safety measures from their employer.
Most of the Dutch claim that they excellently tackle potentially dangerous cybersecurity issues but at the same time, some of them greatly underestimate the impact of various forms of cyber breaches.
Respondents estimated the risk of computer damage in all forms of cyber crimes at less than 15 percent. Around half of respondents said that they became more cautious after falling prey to a cyber attack and 20 percent took measures against cyber attacks.
Dutch people consider that emails with hyperlinks or infected attachments are most risky. About 55 percent of them said that hackers tried to trick them into phishing through their private email addresses. On the other hand, 39 percent of the people received a hacking attempt at their work email addresses.
Erik Jan Koedijk, chairman of Alert Online’s advisory board, said “Much less well known is that such links are also distributed through social media and messaging services such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Telegram”.