(It’s only a matter of time.)
84% of CISOs in North America believe cybersecurity breaches are inevitable. And when you do get breached it will result in severe financial losses, loss of customers, and loss of reputation.
Identity theft is the biggest concern for customers, in the aftermath of a breach. It impacts your customers’ mental health and wellbeing, financial situation, and even their personal relationships.
So how do organizations become resilient after a breach? How can they reduce the impact of a breach?
According to the Ponemon 2018 ‘Cost of Data Breach’ study, organizations that offer data breach victims identity protection in the aftermath are more successful in reducing churn.
To do this you need to add ID theft monitoring to your breach readiness plan.
You need an early warning system that alerts your customers to signs of trouble.
A solution like ID Assist will help your customers limit the fallout of identity theft and financial fraud and restore their identity to a pre-breach state.