Tag: MageCart
Episode #11: Supply Chain Attacks and Vulnerability Disclosures
In the past year, we have seen accelerated adoption of digital platforms and technologies. For instance, more businesses and individuals are turning to e-commerce...
Hackers Hit Gold with JM Bullion Hack
Online bullion dealer JM Bullion, who trades precious metals including gold, silver, copper, platinum, and palladium, has reported a hacking incident, which compromised and...
DDoS Attacks and Credential Abuse Doubling Year-on-Year: Akamai
The key message that came through at the Akamai Edge Live APAC Virtual Summit 2020 on July 2, 2020, was that the nature of...
Hanna Andersson Hacked; Customer Credit Card Details Compromised
U.S. kids' wear brand Hanna Anderson’s online purchase platform was hacked during the holiday season of December 2019. The attackers stole the credit card...
Australia’s Bushfire Donation Website Hit by MageCart
Australia has been very much in the news for the huge losses caused by bushfires to humans and wildlife alike. In order to help...