Tag: crypto mining
‘Illegal Crypto Mining is a Huge Drain on a Nation’s Power...
Hackers and ransomware groups have benefitted immensely by leveraging blockchain and cryptocurrencies to secure multi-million-dollar payouts. Cryptocurrency transactions are untraceable and not regulated by...
WatchDog Cryptojacking Campaign Running for Over Two Years
Cyberattacks on cryptocurrency exchanges and crypto wallets have become rampant as cybercriminals often target cryptocurrencies, whose net-worth is increasing day by day. Numerous hacks...
Lemon Duck Quacks Again with its Cryptocurrency-Mining Botnet
Researchers from Cisco Talos discovered a cyber campaign leveraging a multi-modular botnet to mine Monero cryptocurrency. The campaign dubbed as "Lemon Duck" uses a...
TNT’s Cryptomining Worm Built to Steal AWS Credentials
It is not just a double whammy! The researchers at cybersecurity firm, Cado Security, say the functionality of TNT’s cryptomining worm steals AWS credentials,...
WordPress Websites Infected with Fake Plugins
For beginners, bloggers and corporates alike, the WordPress platform is a favorite mainly due to the ease it provides in creating and maintaining personalized...