Tag: Email Attacks
Email Threats Continue to be Gateway of Major Cyberattacks
Cyberattacks via unsolicited emails remain an effective attack vector as threat actors continue to evolve their phishing techniques. Adversaries are quick to adopt new...
Business Email Compromise: The Most Common Threat Vector Across Sectors
Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks have become the most common email threats across various sectors, giving rise to many social engineering and financial frauds....
BEC Scammers Exploit Email Auto-Forwarding Rules, FBI warns
The FBI is warning organizations in the U.S. about the risks posed by email auto-forwarding rules. According to a Private Industry Notification (PIN) from...
Hackers Evade Secure Email Gateways via Advanced Phishing Attacks
Cybercriminals are increasingly leveraging social engineering scams via sophisticated phishing techniques. According to a research from Ironscales, nearly 50% of all advanced phishing attacks...
Polymorphism or Spoofed Login Pages Used to Phish Users
Ironscales, an automated phishing prevention, detection, and response provider, stated that credential theft attacks via fake or spoofed login pages and social engineering attacks...
Corporate Email is a Root for Accidental Data Breaches: Survey
According to a survey, titled Current Status of Data Privacy Compliance, from Email security provider Egress, around 44 percent of employees admit that they’ve...
Survey Reveals 269 Percent Rise in Business Email Compromise Attacks
A research report from email and data security company Mimecast revealed that there is a significant increase in Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks. Mimecast,...